Did you know? Turnover of Intel (2015) ($55.9billion) is 2 x GDP in North Korea (2013) (28 billion USD p/a)
Free-form entry eg: '125000km', '1.5 million inches', '$67bn', '45000000 AUD', 100years', '123456789', '1 trillion', '1.5e6', '25 million kg'
If you’re looking for numbers on Covid-19, a very good choice is to head over to OurWorldInData.com. Good numbers, good analysis, good visualisations and good interactive tools for exploring the numbers.
Oh, and they cover MUCH more than just Covid-19. Highly recommended.
$267 billion in tariffs. Is That a Big Number?
Is That a Big Number? (the book)
Misplaced decimal point endangers lives
Violent Crime Rate in the USA: 50% down from peak 25 years ago
Making Sense of Air Pollution Statistics
2,043,599 Pennies is a big number but is it Art?
How old are Olympians? (for each sport)
GDP: a Predictor of Olympic Gold?
Guide to Spotting Dodgy Statistics
HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Meets in the Middle
200 Terabyte Mathematical Proof
Thanks to Andrew Steele (@statto on Twitter) for this website, which puts into context how much (little!) the UK spends on science each year. Take a look for yourself and ask “are these big numbers?”
£10.4 bn per annum: Is That A Big Number?
Powerful infographic from the FiveThirtyEight.com website (to whom all respect for numbers-led analysis and comment). Gives the question some context and perspective. And #ContextMatters. (Red dots are suicides, blue are homicides, yellow are accidents)
Overall, 33,000 people a year die from shootings in the USA. That IS a big number.
Yes, there's now an engaging, informative book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.
Click here to learn more about it.
Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.