Time since the emergence of earliest humans

Time since the emergence of earliest humans (2.8 million y)



If Time since the emergence of earliest humans (2.8 million y) was a standard unit ...

  • Age of the universe (13.82 billion y)...more would be 5000 x Time since the emergence of earliest humans
  • Time since the start of the last glacial period (Ice Age) (110,000 y)...more would be 1/25 of Time since the emergence of earliest humans
  • Time since first domestication of horses (5,500 y)...more would be 1/500 of Time since the emergence of earliest humans
  • Time since the birth of Albrecht Durer (553 y)...more would be 1/5000 of Time since the emergence of earliest humans
  • Time since the birth of Copernicus (550 y)...more would be 1/5000 of Time since the emergence of earliest humans

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.
