Length of a Marathon race

Length of a Marathon race (42.2 km)



If Length of a Marathon race (42.2 km) was a standard unit ...

  • Circumference of Mars (21,340 km)...more would be 500 x Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of North America (North to South) (8,600 km)...more would be 200 x Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of the Vic-Maui yacht race (4,270 km)...more would be 100 x Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of Chile - North-South (4,270 km)...more would be 100 x Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of the China-Russia border (4,210 km)...more would be 100 x Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline (4,200 km)...more would be 100 x Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of a football pitch (105 m)...more would be 1/400 of Length of a Marathon race
  • World record javelin throw (104.8 m)...more would be 1/400 of Length of a Marathon race
  • Length overall of the Cutty Sark sailing ship (85.4 m)...more would be 1/500 of Length of a Marathon race
  • Length of a Nile crocodile (4.2 m)...more would be 1/10000 of Length of a Marathon race
  • Length overall of a `Laser` racing dinghy (4.2 m)...more would be 1/10000 of Length of a Marathon race