Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg

Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg (2018) (15.52 km^2)



If Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg (2018) (15.52 km^2) was a standard unit ...

  • Other land in South Africa (2018) (157,900 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Thailand (2018) (157,400 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Ghana (2018) (157,200 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Chile (2018) (156,900 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Laos (2018) (156,700 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Suriname (156,000 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Niger (2018) (155,800 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Tunisia (155,400 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Papua New Guinea (2018) (155,300 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Libya (2018) (154,800 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Zimbabwe (2018) (152,800 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Uruguay (2018) (152,600 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Guyana (2018) (152,400 km^2)...more would be 10000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Ukraine (2018) (78,800 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Jordan (2018) (77,700 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Serbia (77,500 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Czechia (77,200 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Philippines (2018) (77,200 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Afghanistan (2018) (77,000 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Bangladesh (2018) (76,800 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in United Arab Emirates (2018) (76,600 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Malaysia (2018) (76,200 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Algeria (2018) (76,200 km^2)...more would be 5000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Italy (2018) (63,200 km^2)...more would be 4000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Lithuania (62,700 km^2)...more would be 4000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Vietnam (2018) (62,600 km^2)...more would be 4000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Latvia (62,200 km^2)...more would be 4000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in South Korea (2018) (61,900 km^2)...more would be 4000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Cameroon (2018) (61,900 km^2)...more would be 4000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Tajikistan (2018) (39,200 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Bolivia (2018) (39,000 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Nicaragua (2018) (39,000 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Austria (2018) (38,900 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in North Korea (2018) (38,800 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Bhutan (38,400 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Austria (2018) (31,700 km^2)...more would be 2000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Turkey (2018) (30,780 km^2)...more would be 2000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Sweden (2018) (30,780 km^2)...more would be 2000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Cameroon (2018) (15,600 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Guinea-Bissau (2018) (15,520 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Ecuador (2018) (15,500 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in El Salvador (2018) (15,480 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Switzerland (2018) (15,480 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Panama (2018) (15,390 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Eritrea (2018) (15,250 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Guatemala (2018) (15,220 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Albania (2018) (7,890 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Albania (2018) (7,730 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018) (7,680 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Suriname (2018) (7,640 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Estonia (2018) (6,320 km^2)...more would be 400 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Cyprus (2018) (6,260 km^2)...more would be 400 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Mongolia (2018) (6,210 km^2)...more would be 400 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Djibouti (2018) (6,120 km^2)...more would be 400 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Albania (2018) (6,110 km^2)...more would be 400 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Poland (2018) (3,960 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Cuba (2018) (3,950 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Moldova (2018) (3,910 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Benin (2018) (3,870 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in United Arab Emirates (2018) (3,850 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Fiji (2018) (3,840 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Timor-Leste (2018) (3,840 km^2)...more would be 250 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Gabon (2018) (3,092 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Australia (2018) (3,070 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Lesotho (2018) (3,066 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Estonia (2018) (3,052 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Belize (2018) (1,574 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Gabon (2018) (1,546 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Israel (2018) (1,526 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Mauritius (2018) (790 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Suriname (2018) (780 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Mauritius (2018) (780 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Czechia (2018) (772 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Samoa (2018) (767 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Kyrgyzstan (2018) (767 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Suriname (2018) (624 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Central African Republic (2018) (623 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Luxembourg (2018) (621 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Sao Tome and Principe (2018) (391 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (389 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of Malta (316 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Lithuania (2018) (313.4 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Oman (2018) (309.5 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Oman (2018) (309.5 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Tonga (2018) (309 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Suriname (2018) (156 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for arable in Samoa (2018) (79 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Latvia (2018) (62.2 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land Area of San Marino (61 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Grenada (2018) (60.9 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Brunei (2018) (31.59 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Forest in Comoros (2018) (31.29 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Other land in Liechtenstein (2018) (30.88 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for agriculture in Tuvalu (2018) (15.6 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg
  • Land used for permanent crops in Tuvalu (2018) (15.6 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land used for permanent crops in Luxembourg

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.