Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia

Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia (2018) (2,170 km^2)



If Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia (2018) (2,170 km^2) was a standard unit ...

  • Other land in Canada (2018) (5.37 km^2)...more would be 2500 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Saudi Arabia (2.15 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Russia (2018) (2.145 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in China (2018) (2.145 km^2)...more would be 1000 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Ethiopia (1.097 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Argentina (2018) (1.084 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Bolivia (1.083 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Mexico (2018) (1.067 km^2)...more would be 500 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Venezuela (882,000 km^2)...more would be 400 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Somalia (2018) (441,000 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Iraq (437,000 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Brazil (2018) (435,000 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Somalia (2018) (430,000 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Canada (2018) (427,000 km^2)...more would be 200 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Yemen (2018) (220,200 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Uzbekistan (2018) (219,900 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Ethiopia (2018) (219,300 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Indonesia (2018) (219,200 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Venezuela (2018) (216,100 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in France (2018) (213,900 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Paraguay (2018) (213,700 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Burma (2018) (213,000 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Kenya (2018) (212,900 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Pakistan (2018) (212,800 km^2)...more would be 100 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Benin (110,600 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in United Kingdom (2018) (110,600 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Indonesia (2018) (110,500 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Thailand (2018) (110,400 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Poland (2018) (110,100 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Cuba (109,800 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Mongolia (2018) (108,800 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in New Zealand (2018) (108,700 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Bulgaria (108,500 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Vietnam (2018) (107,900 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Burma (2018) (107,800 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Ecuador (2018) (107,700 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Guatemala (107,200 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Guinea (2018) (106,900 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Tajikistan (2018) (88,300 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Ecuador (2018) (86,900 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Belarus (2018) (86,600 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Nigeria (2018) (86,500 km^2)...more would be 40 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Belarus (2018) (55,200 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Togo (54,400 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Philippines (2018) (54,300 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Ecuador (2018) (53,700 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Benin (2018) (44,200 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Guatemala (2018) (44,200 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Hungary (2018) (43,500 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Madagascar (2018) (43,000 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Uzbekistan (2018) (43,000 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Liberia (2018) (43,000 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Paraguay (2018) (42,900 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Japan (2018) (42,600 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Estonia (2018) (22,080 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Solomon Islands (2018) (22,080 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Ghana (2018) (22,070 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018) (21,910 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Lithuania (2018) (21,880 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Sierra Leone (2018) (21,840 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Lithuania (2018) (21,690 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Nepal (2018) (21,650 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018) (21,600 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Israel (21,500 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Argentina (2018) (10,950 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Qatar (2018) (10,940 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Estonia (2018) (10,890 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Kosovo (10,890 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Portugal (2018) (10,880 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Jamaica (10,830 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Syria (2018) (10,780 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Saudi Arabia (2018) (10,750 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Armenia (2018) (8,800 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Ukraine (2018) (8,690 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Tajikistan (2018) (8,630 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Laos (2018) (8,540 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Denmark (2018) (5,470 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in The Congo (2018) (5,460 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Eswatini (2018) (5,450 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Montenegro (2018) (5,440 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Panama (2018) (5,430 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Benin (2018) (5,420 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Vanuatu (2018) (4,400 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Romania (2018) (4,370 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Moldova (2018) (4,340 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Rwanda (2018) (4,290 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Fiji (2018) (4,260 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Iraq (2018) (2,187 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Saudi Arabia (2018) (2,150 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in South Korea (2018) (2,132 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Solomon Islands (2018) (1,091 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Luxembourg (2018) (866 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Fiji (2018) (859 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago (2018) (544 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Armenia (2018) (536 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Barbados (430 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Trinidad and Tobago (2018) (220.5 km^2)...more would be 1/10 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Samoa (2018) (220 km^2)...more would be 1/10 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Maldives (2018) (219.6 km^2)...more would be 1/10 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Saint Kitts and Nevis (2018) (110.4 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Barbados (2018) (110.1 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Tonga (2018) (109.7 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Kuwait (2018) (106.9 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for arable in Sao Tome and Principe (2018) (87.7 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for agriculture in Bahrain (2018) (85.9 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land used for permanent crops in Kuwait (2018) (53.5 km^2)...more would be 1/40 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Tuvalu (2018) (8.66 km^2)...more would be 1/250 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Forest in Bahrain (2018) (5.32 km^2)...more would be 1/400 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Land Area of Holy See (Vatican City) (440 m km^2)...more would be 1/5000 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia
  • Other land in Holy See (Vatican City) (2018) (440 m km^2)...more would be 1/5000 of Land used for permanent crops in Bolivia

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