Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)

Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008) (5.05 m)



If Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008) (5.05 m) was a standard unit ...

  • Height of the vertical drop of cliff on Mount Thor, Canada (1.25 km)...more would be 250 x Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)
  • Height of the Great Sphinx of Giza (20.21 m)...more would be 4 x Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)
  • Height of a high-diving platform (10 m)...more would be 2 x Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)
  • Women's World Pole Vault record (5.06 m)...more would be about as big as Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)
  • Typical height of a giraffe (5 m)...more would be about as big as Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)
  • Women's Olympic High Jump record (2.06 m)...more would be 2/5 of Women's Olympic Pole Vault record (2008)

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.
