Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia

Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia (337 y)



If Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia (337 y) was a standard unit ...

  • Time since the start of the Stone Age (3.4 million y)...more would be 10000 x Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia
  • Time since the birth of mathematician Hypatia (1,674 y)...more would be 5 x Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia
  • Time since the birth of Fibonacci (854 y)...more would be 2.5 x Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia
  • Period of Uranus's orbit (84 y)...more would be 1/4 of Time since the publication of Isaac Newton's major work, the Principia

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.
