Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi

Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi (206 y)



If Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi (206 y) was a standard unit ...

  • Age of oldest musical instrument (42,000 y)...more would be 200 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since first domestication of cattle (10,500 y)...more would be 50 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since first domestication of cats (10,500 y)...more would be 50 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Age of oldest wooden wheel (5,150 y)...more would be 25 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since building of Stonehenge (5,120 y)...more would be 25 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since the earliest writing (5,100 y)...more would be 25 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since the birth of Cleopatra (2,090 y)...more would be 10 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since the death of Shakespeare (406 y)...more would be 2 x Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since the birth of Ada Lovelace (209 y)...more would be about as big as Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since the first iron steamship crossed the English Channel (202 y)...more would be about as big as Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Time since the birth of chemist Rosalind Franklin (104 y)...more would be 1/2 of Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi
  • Period of Uranus's orbit (84 y)...more would be 2/5 of Time since the birth of mathematician Maria Gaetana Agnesi

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