Population of Shantou, China

Pop. of Shantou, China (5.39 million people)



If Pop. of Shantou, China (5.39 million people) was a standard unit ...

  • Number of monthly active users of WeChat (2024) (1.336bn )...more would be 250 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Brazil (2023) (218.7million)...more would be 40 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of babies born every year (134million )...more would be 25 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Egypt (2023) (109.5million)...more would be 20 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Australia (2023) (26.46million)...more would be 5 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Beijing, China (21.52 million people)...more would be 4 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Mali (2023) (21.36million)...more would be 4 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Lagos, Nigeria (21.32 million people)...more would be 4 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Malawi (2023) (21.28million)...more would be 4 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Guinea (2023) (13.61million)...more would be 2.5 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Rwanda (2023) (13.4million)...more would be 2.5 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Tokyo, Japan (13.3 million people)...more would be 2.5 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Cuba (2023) (10.99million)...more would be 2 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of The Dominican Republic (2023) (10.79million)...more would be 2 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Czechia (2023) (10.71million)...more would be 2 x Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Slovakia (2023) (5.42million)...more would be about as big as Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Lebanon (2023) (5.33million)...more would be about as big as Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Ireland (2023) (5.32million)...more would be about as big as Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Lithuania (2023) (2.656million)...more would be 1/2 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of active personnel in the Chinese Armed Forces (2.185million )...more would be 2/5 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of North Macedonia (2023) (2.133million)...more would be 2/5 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of active personnel in the US Armed Forces (1.328million )...more would be 1/4 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of words in all the Harry Potter books taken together (1.084million )...more would be 1/5 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Estimated world population of Brown Fur Seal (1.06 million individuals)...more would be 1/5 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Estimated world population of American Bison (530,000 individuals)...more would be 1/10 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Estimated world population of Muskox (135,000 individuals)...more would be 1/40 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of seats in the Michigan Stadium (American football stadium) (107,600 )...more would be 1/50 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Saint Kitts and Nevis (2023) (54,800)...more would be 1/100 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Estimate of population of Indian Elephant (27,000 individuals)...more would be 1/200 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of satellites orbiting the Earth (2023) (26,700 )...more would be 1/200 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Estimated world population of Mountain Zebra (26,500 individuals)...more would be 1/200 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Estimated population of Mountain Zebra (26,500 individuals)...more would be 1/200 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Pop. of Palau (2023) (21,780)...more would be 1/250 of Population of Shantou, China
  • Number of airports in the United States (13,510 )...more would be 1/400 of Population of Shantou, China

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