Number of ways of seating six people around a table

Number of ways of seating six people around a table (120 )



If Number of ways of seating six people around a table (120 ) was a standard unit ...

  • Number of seats in Lord's Cricket Ground (30,000 )...more would be 250 x Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Estimated world population of Alpine Ibex (30,000 individuals)...more would be 250 x Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Estimated world population of Snow Leopard (3,000 individuals)...more would be 25 x Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Estimated population of Bengal Tigers (3,000 individuals)...more would be 25 x Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Estimated world population of African Wild Ass (600 individuals)...more would be 5 x Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Estimated population of Red Wolf (USA) (300 individuals)...more would be 2.5 x Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Number of passengers in a carriage of an Underground train on London's Bakerloo line (121 )...more would be about as big as Number of ways of seating six people around a table
  • Number of stories in the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer (24 )...more would be 1/5 of Number of ways of seating six people around a table

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.