Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles

Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles (3,940 km)



If Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles (3,940 km) was a standard unit ...

  • Circumference of Uranus (159,300 km)...more would be 40 x Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Circumference of Neptune (154,600 km)...more would be 40 x Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the equator (40,100 km)...more would be 10 x Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of Africa (North to South) (8,000 km)...more would be 2 x Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the Trans-Canada Highway from Victoria to St John's City (7,820 km)...more would be 2 x Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of coast-to-coast American Discovery Trail (Northern Route) (7,780 km)...more would be 2 x Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Width of Australia (4,000 km)...more would be about as big as Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the Tigris River (1,950 km)...more would be 1/2 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Direct distance from Land's End to John o' Groats (970 km)...more would be 1/4 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the Suez Canal (193.3 km)...more would be 1/20 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the Kiel Canal (98 km)...more would be 1/40 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of Central Park (NYC) (4 km)...more would be 1/1000 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro (4 km)...more would be 1/1000 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • Length of the Kentucky Derby horse race (2 km)...more would be 1/2000 of Length of Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.
