Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar

Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar (63.1 million y)



If Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar (63.1 million y) was a standard unit ...

  • Time since the emergence of earliest reptiles (315 million y)...more would be 5 x Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar
  • Time since the end of the Permian geologic period (252 million y)...more would be 4 x Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar
  • Time since the emergence of flowering plants (125 million y)...more would be 2 x Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar
  • Time since the first modern humans (250,000 y)...more would be 1/250 of Length of one Alautun, longest unit in Mayan calendar