Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England

Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England (117.5 km)



If Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England (117.5 km) was a standard unit ...

  • Diameter of Saturn (116,400 km)...more would be 1000 x Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Length of the Congo River (4,700 km)...more would be 40 x Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Circumference of the dwarf planet Ceres (2,992 km)...more would be 25 x Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Length of the Danube River (2,880 km)...more would be 25 x Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Diameter of Pluto (2,377 km)...more would be 20 x Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Length of mainland Italy (1,185 km)...more would be 10 x Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Longest golf drive (471 m)...more would be 1/250 of Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Length of the Starship `Enterprise` in the Original Star Trek series (289.7 m)...more would be 1/400 of Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Length of the Pont Neuf bridge over the Seine (232 m)...more would be 1/500 of Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England
  • Length of a tennis court (23.77 m)...more would be 1/5000 of Length of Hadrian's Wall in Northern England