Land Area of Sierra Leone

Land Area of Sierra Leone (71,600 km^2)



If Land Area of Sierra Leone (71,600 km^2) was a standard unit ...

  • Land used for agriculture in Australia (2018) (3.58 km^2)...more would be 50 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Indonesia (1.812 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in India (2018) (1.799 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Libya (1.76 km^2)...more would be 25 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Sudan (2018) (1.458 km^2)...more would be 20 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Brazil (2018) (719,000 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Morocco (716,000 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Nigeria (2018) (710,000 km^2)...more would be 10 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Japan (364,000 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Namibia (2018) (362,000 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Peru (2018) (361,000 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Colombia (2018) (358,000 km^2)...more would be 5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Yemen (2018) (287,700 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Niger (2018) (287,500 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Papua New Guinea (2018) (285,800 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Sweden (2018) (281,900 km^2)...more would be 4 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Venezuela (2018) (181,700 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Democratic Republic of the Congo (2018) (181,400 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Cameroon (2018) (178,200 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Cambodia (176,500 km^2)...more would be 2.5 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Canada (2018) (145,500 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Nepal (143,400 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Bolivia (2018) (143,000 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Guinea (2018) (142,800 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Tajikistan (141,500 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Syria (2018) (140,900 km^2)...more would be 2 x Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Namibia (2018) (72,400 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Germany (2018) (70,400 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Democratic Republic of the Congo (2018) (70,300 km^2)...more would be about as big as Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Nepal (2018) (36,400 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Portugal (2018) (36,300 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Guatemala (2018) (36,000 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Malawi (2018) (35,900 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Egypt (2018) (35,800 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Zambia (2018) (35,700 km^2)...more would be 1/2 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Serbia (2018) (29,210 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Guinea (2018) (29,000 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Honduras (2018) (28,980 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Cote d'Ivoire (2018) (28,940 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in United Kingdom (2018) (28,790 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Uganda (2018) (28,580 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Tunisia (2018) (28,430 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Armenia (28,200 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Uganda (2018) (28,180 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Guinea-Bissau (28,120 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Sri Lanka (2018) (28,110 km^2)...more would be 2/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Latvia (2018) (18,180 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Moldova (2018) (18,120 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Senegal (2018) (18,100 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Central African Republic (2018) (18,070 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Nepal (2018) (17,920 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Uruguay (2018) (17,850 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Kuwait (17,820 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Bulgaria (2018) (17,790 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Uruguay (2018) (17,680 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Libya (2018) (17,600 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Honduras (2018) (17,570 km^2)...more would be 1/4 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Oman (2018) (14,550 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Colombia (2018) (14,540 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Bangladesh (2018) (14,450 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Burma (2018) (14,380 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Laos (2018) (14,310 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Peru (2018) (14,080 km^2)...more would be 1/5 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Timor-Leste (2018) (7,300 km^2)...more would be 1/10 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Portugal (2018) (7,140 km^2)...more would be 1/10 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Venezuela (2018) (7,060 km^2)...more would be 1/10 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in South Africa (2018) (3,640 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Libya (2018) (3,520 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Moldova (2018) (3,520 km^2)...more would be 1/20 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Japan (2018) (2,916 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Other land in Montenegro (2018) (2,879 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Equatorial Guinea (2018) (2,833 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Samoa (2,821 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in El Salvador (2018) (2,818 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Haiti (2018) (2,811 km^2)...more would be 1/25 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Papua New Guinea (2018) (1,811 km^2)...more would be 1/40 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Hungary (2018) (1,792 km^2)...more would be 1/40 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Jordan (2018) (1,776 km^2)...more would be 1/40 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Libya (2018) (1,760 km^2)...more would be 1/40 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Timor-Leste (2018) (729 km^2)...more would be 1/100 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Tonga (717 km^2)...more would be 1/100 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Singapore (709 km^2)...more would be 1/100 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in North Macedonia (2018) (356 km^2)...more would be 1/200 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Mauritius (2018) (351 km^2)...more would be 1/200 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Comoros (2018) (181 km^2)...more would be 1/400 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land Area of Marshall Islands (181 km^2)...more would be 1/400 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Dominica (2018) (180.2 km^2)...more would be 1/400 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Andorra (2018) (179.2 km^2)...more would be 1/400 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Micronesia (2018) (179 km^2)...more would be 1/400 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent pasture in Trinidad and Tobago (2018) (71.8 km^2)...more would be 1/1000 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Forest in Kuwait (2018) (71.3 km^2)...more would be 1/1000 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Grenada (2018) (70.9 km^2)...more would be 1/1000 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for permanent crops in Cabo Verde (2018) (28.23 km^2)...more would be 1/2500 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for arable in Marshall Islands (2018) (14.12 km^2)...more would be 1/5000 of Land Area of Sierra Leone
  • Land used for agriculture in Singapore (2018) (7.09 km^2)...more would be 1/10000 of Land Area of Sierra Leone

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.