Highest altitude reached by a single kite

Highest altitude reached by a single kite (4.88 km)



If Highest altitude reached by a single kite (4.88 km) was a standard unit ...

  • Diameter of Neptune (49,200 km)...more would be 10000 x Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Diameter of Venus (12,010 km)...more would be 2500 x Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Diameter of Mercury (4,880 km)...more would be 1000 x Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Diameter of the (fictional) Death Star in the first Star Wars movie (120 km)...more would be 25 x Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of Mt Washington, highest point in NE USA (1.917 km)...more would be 2/5 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of the Angel Falls (Venuzeula) (979 m)...more would be 1/5 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of the Gateway Arch in St Louis (192 m)...more would be 1/25 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of the spire of Salisbury cathedral (123 m)...more would be 1/40 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of the Elizabeth Tower (home to Big Ben) in London (96 m)...more would be 1/50 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • World High Jump Record (1993) (2.45 m)...more would be 1/2000 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of a football goal (2.44 m)...more would be 1/2000 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite
  • Height of a ice-hockey goal (1.2 m)...more would be 1/4000 of Highest altitude reached by a single kite