Height of Mount Kilimanjaro

Height of Mount Kilimanjaro (5.89 km)



If Height of Mount Kilimanjaro (5.89 km) was a standard unit ...

  • Diameter of Venus (12,010 km)...more would be 2000 x Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Diameter of Pluto (2,377 km)...more would be 400 x Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Diameter of the (fictional) Death Star in the first Star Wars movie (120 km)...more would be 20 x Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Highest ascent by a propellor-driven aircraft (2001) (29.52 km)...more would be 5 x Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Height of the tallest Coast Redwood tree (California, USA) (115.6 m)...more would be 1/50 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Height of the `Christ the Redeemer` statue in Rio de Janeiro (30 m)...more would be 1/200 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Height of tallest recorded giraffe (5.88 m)...more would be 1/1000 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Height of the Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC (5.8 m)...more would be 1/1000 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Men's Olympic High Jump record (2.39 m)...more would be 1/2500 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Height of a ice-hockey goal (1.2 m)...more would be 1/5000 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Length of a lightsaber in the Star Wars movies (1.19 m)...more would be 1/5000 of Height of Mount Kilimanjaro

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.
