Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo

Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo (3,400 individuals)



If Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo (3,400 individuals) was a standard unit ...

  • Estimated world population of Sitatunga (170,000 individuals)...more would be 50 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Pop. of Saint Lucia (2023) (167,600)...more would be 50 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Estimated world population of Muskox (135,000 individuals)...more would be 40 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Pop. of Andorra (2023) (85,500)...more would be 25 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • High estimate of number of Bornean Orangutans (69,000 individuals)...more would be 20 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of number of words in Robert Louis Stephenson's Treasure Island (67,000 )...more would be 20 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of seats in Wanderers Cricket Ground (SA) (34,000 )...more would be 10 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of airports in the United States (13,510 )...more would be 4 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of rooms in the MGM Grand Hotel (Las Vegas) (6,850 )...more would be 2 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of passengers on the Allure of the Seas (and Oasis of the Seas) cruise liners (6,780 )...more would be 2 x Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of passengers on an Airbus A380-800 airliner (certified capacity) (853 )...more would be 1/4 of Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of passengers on an Underground train on London's Bakerloo Line (847 )...more would be 1/4 of Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Estimated population of Asiatic Lion (674 individuals)...more would be 1/5 of Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of aircraft carriers in the world (167 )...more would be 1/20 of Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of skyscrapers in Chicago (>150m tall) (137 )...more would be 1/25 of Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo
  • Number of submarines in the US Navy (2023) (68 )...more would be 1/50 of Estimated world population of Wild Water Buffalo

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.