Time since the birth of Pierre de Fermat

Time since the birth of Pierre de Fermat (423 y)



Neat Ratios ...

Time since the birth of Pierre de Fermat (423 y)

  • is 1/100 of Age of oldest musical instrument (42,000 y)...more
  • is 1/25 of Time since first domestication of cattle (10,500 y)...more
  • is 1/25 of Time since first domestication of cats (10,500 y)...more
  • is 1/5 of Time since the birth of Julius Caesar (2,120 y)...more
  • is 1/5 of Time since the birth of Cleopatra (2,090 y)...more
  • is 1/4 of Time since the birth of mathematician Hypatia (1,674 y)...more
  • is 1/2 of Time since the birth of Fibonacci (854 y)...more
  • is about as big as Time since Shakespeare's play Hamlet was written (425 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the birth of Darwin (215 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the birth of Dickens (212 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the birth of Ada Lovelace (209 y)...more
  • is 4 x Time since the birth of chemist Rosalind Franklin (104 y)...more
  • is 5 x Time since the first Volkswagen Beetle produced (86 y)...more
  • is 5 x Period of Uranus's orbit (84 y)...more
  • is 10 x Time since first IBM Personal Computer launched (43 y)...more

If this was a standard unit ...