Time since the birth of Euler

Time since the birth of Euler (316 y)



Neat Ratios ...

Time since the birth of Euler (316 y)

  • is 1/10 of Time since the start of the Iron Age (3,200 y)...more
  • is 1/4 of Time since the birth of al-Khwarizmi (1,246 y)...more
  • is 1/2 of Time since the birth of Toscanelli (627 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the publication of Volume 1 of Marx's Das Kapital (157 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the birth of physicist Marie Curie (157 y)...more
  • is 2.5 x Time since birth of M. C. Escher (126 y)...more
  • is 4 x Time since introduction of the first mass-produced helicopter (Sikorsky R-4) (80 y)...more
  • is 4 x Lifespan of human being (80 y)...more
  • is 5 x Time since first human went into space (62 y)...more

If this was a standard unit ...