Number of Deaths in the Hillsborough Stadium disaster in 1989

Number of Deaths in the Hillsborough Stadium disaster in 1989 (96 )



Neat Ratios ...

Number of Deaths in the Hillsborough Stadium disaster in 1989 (96 )

  • is 1/40 of Number of seats in New York City's Metropolitan Opera (3,800 )...more
  • is 1/40 of Pop. of Falkland Islands (3,800)...more
  • is 1/20 of Number of paintings that Picasso painted (1,885 )...more
  • is 1/4 of Number of passengers on a Airbus A340-600 airliner (maximum capacity) (380 )...more
  • is 1/2 of Number of Deaths in the sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise in the English Channel 1987 (193 )...more
  • is 1/2 of Number of Deaths in the Lion Air Flight 610 crash in 2018 (189 )...more
  • is 4 x Number of stories in the Canterbury Tales by Chaucer (24 )...more

If this was a standard unit ...